Monday, September 1, 2008

Kiss the Summer Goodbye

Well - after a lovely two months off I must return back to work tomorrow! As most of you know, I am an art and music teacher in an elementary school on Staten Island. I service all the grades, K-5 and the special ed classes.

Even though I am starting my 6th year, I always get nervous about the first day of school. It's almost as if I am one of the students - nervous to see friends again, who's in my class and the horrible question - who will I have to sit next to??? Hopefully not the annoying boy who picks his nose!

As a teacher, I never know what to expect. What is the new kindergarten like? (I had a lot of criers last year! What will my schedule be like? What duties will I have to do!?

This fifth grade is a very special one for me. When I started at my school - they were in the kindergarten. So, they are the first class that I have watched grow for the past 5 years. So exciting!

Now, I've prepared my lessons for the week all day. I've brushed up on my piano playing because I haven't played all summer. I've made my lunch. I've ironed my clothes. I know exaclty what I am doing tomorrow - yet still have those butterflies. And I know I will never fall asleep!

But tomorrow will come and go - and I will be happy to see all those little boogers and patooties again!


1 comment:

CynthiaAvaDevta said...

oh, good luck to you, my dear. We went back last week, but tomorrow the students are coming!!
I can't believe I'm still awake. I organized my book bag and have lunch prepared. Now I just have to figure out what I'm wearing! Nervous, too...